At Global Strategies, Incorporated, our Global Protection Specialist’s are highly trained professionals who are a key component to providing a full-service Executive Protection program. They are discreet, professional experts on the subject of Protective Services. GSI agents typically have former military, government, and/or law enforcement backgrounds, then undergo extensive training in order to become a Global Protection Specialist. This training includes a Personal Protection Specialist Course (PPS), extensive firearms training, hand to hand combat training, and Control Tactics. In addition, our agents conduct Assault on Principal Drills (AOPs), Kidnap & Assassination Studies, and Table-Top Exercises all based on real-life scenarios and current events. All Global Protection Specialists are trained as Combat Field medics. As communications and technology are extremely important, our agents are also well-versed in the use of Satellite Communications, GPS/GSM and Satellite Tracking, and Social Media Monitoring for up-to-the-minute monitoring of developing situations.
Technologies advance and develop constantly, so we recognize the need to stay abreast of these changes. Global Strategies, Inc. conducts on-the-job, quarterly, and annual in-service training to keep our agents up-to-date on new technologies essential to our field, as well as to reinforce our agents’ skills and knowledge.
GSI’s Global Protection Specialist’s are trained in proactive procedures designed to recognize, analyze and neutralize risks before they become a problem, keeping our clients out of harm’s way. This includes everything from logistics, advance work, fieldcraft, and geopolitical intelligence. Our Global Protection Specialist’s are held to the highest possible industry standards while going above and beyond the standards of our clients and our industry.