Deadliest Ebola Virus Outbreak Ever

\nDr. Margaret Chan – Director General of The World Health Organization told a summit of regional leaders that failure to contain Ebola could be "catastrophic" in terms of lives lost. Dr Chan was meeting the leaders of the worst-affected countries - Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone - to launch a…

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Chikungunya Virus Confirmed in 10 People on St. Martin

\nU.S. health officials issued an advisory on Wednesday about travel to the Caribbean island of St. Martin due to concerns about a mosquito-borne virus.\n\nThe Asian tiger mosquito may spread to new areas as a result of global warming, a study shows. The CDC warns it's carrying Chikungunya virus in…

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Explosive Polio Outbreak Continues in Somalia

As of August 16, health officials have reported 105 cases of wild poliovirus in Somalia, including at least 11 deaths, since April. Healthcare in Somalia is extremely limited, especially since medical charity Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF - Doctors without Borders) closed its programs in…

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