
Motor Espionage: What Does Your Car Know? 

Introduction In an article written in September of 2023, software company Mozilla came out to denounce several automobile companies including, but not limited to, Volkswagen, BMW, Ford, Subaru, Nissan, Tesla, Kia, and Toyota, for major breaches of user privacy. Amongst other crucial pieces of…

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Are counterfeit Covid Vaccine cards on the horizon?

The COVID-19 vaccine has arrived. It is slowly but surely becoming accessible to people around the world. However, the process has not been particularly quick, nor does everyone feel comfortable receiving a brand new vaccine. Much like people had been selling fake negative Covid tests, counterfeit…

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Travel Etiquette Tips and Tricks

The opportunity to travel around the world is one of the advantages of being a Global Protection Specialist®. However, with this comes the need to be aware of the differences in the customs and etiquette from one culture to another. What may be perfectly innocuous in one country may be extremely…

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Are Emerging Markets Like Erbil Worth The Risk?

Every day, corporate executives and sales personnel for the world’s largest brands hunt for business opportunities in emerging global markets. An emerging market is a country with some developed market characteristics, but doesn’t meet the criteria to be termed a developed market. One…

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How to Stay Safe While Conducting Business In Turkey

On Oct. 6 2019, the United States opted to withdraw American forces from Kurdish-controlled areas in northeastern Syria. Turkey then attacked the area on Oct. 9. Turkey views the Kurds as terrorists, but the Kurds, a minority ethnic group, have helped the United States in its ongoing fight against…

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