
Your Cyber Footprint

Even after hearing how easy it is to gather information via social media, you have to wonder, is that true? Can you really sleuth someone through Facebook, Instagram or other social media formats? Based on recent experience, the answer is yes. One example is the recent kidnapping of a teenage…

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Safe Travel Tips from Global Strategies, Incorporated

Global Strategies agents have been to 128 countries throughout the world, so they know a thing or two about travel. For a peek at a few places we've been, visit our photo gallery. Covering 66% of the globe while working on Executive Protection Details makes our agents travel safety experts. The…

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Deadliest Ebola Virus Outbreak Ever

\nDr. Margaret Chan – Director General of The World Health Organization told a summit of regional leaders that failure to contain Ebola could be "catastrophic" in terms of lives lost. Dr Chan was meeting the leaders of the worst-affected countries - Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone - to launch a…

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